Seminare für Tierärzte und Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte

Unsere scil vet academy veranstaltet veterinärspezifische Seminare für Tierärzte und Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte zu den verschiedensten Fachgebieten: Ultraschallseminare für Tierärzte (Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene), CT Seminare, EKG und Röntgenseminare sowie Fortbildungen für Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte.

Cardiology Fresh Up – Ultrasound Cases & Hands on!


Anmeldefrist abgelaufen

This course is intended for veterinarians already experienced in basic ultrasonography of the abdomen and competent in two-dimensional scanning of the main abdominal organs. Veterinarians with basic skills as well as advanced knowledge are welcome! It is a very practical course on the main topic Gastrointestinal Tract (stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas and biliary system) with a nice mixture of theoretical sessions, case discussions within the group and practical scanning sessions in which every individual participant can choose his/her own scanning goal he/she would like to practice on. During the practical sessions, the participants will rotate in small groups of 4-5 participants through different stations with experienced instructors where individual coaching of how to obtain good imaging planes is the main focus. A great opportunity to pick up the techniques of a good echocardiographic examination in a one-on-one situation.


Sunday, 04th February 2018

Anerkennung :
approximately 7 hours
Referentinnen / Referenten :
Dr. Guy Tater
Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) Tierklinik Stommeln, Köln
Teilnahmegebühren :

Until 02nd of January 2018:  458,-€ ex BTW *
After 02nd of January 2018:  498,- € ex BTW *
* 10% discount of the price for our scil-clients
* 20,- Euro discount for bringing a dog for the practical sessions

Veranstaltungsort :
Hotel Mitland Utrecht
Ariënslaan 1
3573 PT Utrecht