Seminare für Tierärzte und Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte

Unsere scil vet academy veranstaltet veterinärspezifische Seminare für Tierärzte und Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte zu den verschiedensten Fachgebieten: Ultraschallseminare für Tierärzte (Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene), CT Seminare, EKG und Röntgenseminare sowie Fortbildungen für Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte.

Ultrasound Intensive Course Lymph Nodes and Glands


Anmeldefrist abgelaufen

This course is intended for veterinarians already experienced in basic ultrasonography of the abdomen and competent in two-dimensional scanning of the main abdominal organs. Veterinarians with basic skills as well as advanced knowledge are welcome!

It is a very practical course on the main topic Lymph Nodes and Glands (intra- and extraabdomnial lymph nodes, adrenal glands, salivary glands and thyroid glands) with a nice mixture of theoretical sessions, case discussions within the group and practical scanning sessions in which every individual participant can choose his/her own scanning goal he/she would like to practice on.

During the practical sessions, the participants will rotate in small groups of 4-5 participants through different stations with experienced instructors where individual coaching of how to obtain good imaging planes is the main focus. A great opportunity to pick up the techniques of a good echocardiographic examination in a one-on-one situation.


Saturday, 23rd June 2018

Anerkennung :
approximately 7 hours
Referentinnen / Referenten :
DVM Ines Schellhoff
Dierenecho Flex – mobile echocardiographic practice, Amsterdam
Teilnahmegebühren :

Until 22th of May 2018:   458,-€ ex BTW*
After 22th of May 2018:   498,- € ex BTW*
* 10% discount of the price for our scil-clients
* 20,- Euro discount for bringing a dog for the practical sessions

Veranstaltungsort :
Hotel Mitland Utrecht
Ariënslaan 1
3573 PT Utrecht